Wanna develop winning offers that fly off the shelves? 👏🏽

It’s really hard to put your foot on the gas and sell at higher volume when you’re not clear on certain core elements of your offer + strategy.

It’s time to think bigger.

It’s time to dial in the details.

It’s time to crack your capacity to receive on a new level, wide open.

I’m Jillian Anderson — Positioning Expert and Lead Copywriter.

I’ve been in the industry for over 8 years and I have the stats to match.

• the launch strategy I’ve taught helped a holistic health practitioner plan and execute her first ever 60k launch

• my program design advice helped one of my former program students feel amped about her work again and double her income

• a recent High Performance Sales Page client booked $49,644 in sales

• my sales page analysis work just helped a client have her biggest open cart day yet

• and my copywriting continues to help my clients communicate the true value of their heart-felt offerings so they can successfully do the work they feel called to do

purchase a best launch yet offer development 1-1 call with jillian

You’re putting in the work anyway.

Let me help you work smarter and be strategic about your stretch goal. 🔓💸

When you book your Best Launch Yet Offer Development Call (90 min), we can:

  • determine what phase of offer development you're in

  • set expectations for yourself and your timeline

  • cover your pricing + positioning angle: what would an expert copywriter advise

  • connect to the heart of your offer to mine for compelling stories

  • clarify your plan before you execute

  • discuss order bumps, upsells, downsells etc.

  • step into clarity, direction, feedback, and suggestions

2x $279

or $497 in full.

Includes a PDF with our call notes, transcript, and an outline of your next steps.

Are you ready for your breakthrough launch?

Click the button below to purchase your Best Launch Yet Offer Development Call.

After you purchase you’ll be provided with the link to my calendar.

Price Bumps from $497 to $697 in Q2

Price Bumps from $497 to $697 in Q2



"We did $30k in sales, my biggest launch yet (for my personal brand)! 15 enrollments plus upsells and down sells." 

— Kristin Hauser, Launch Copy Client

As Seen In:



  • A: My team and I will email you with a link to book your call. =]

  • A: I’d say at the baseline you’d want to have… 

    • The offer’s general concept (what problem you want to solve with it).

    • What format you’re thinking (for the delivery of the offer).

    • Your why for wanting to go this direction. 

    • Any thoughts or preferences you have for your ideal promotional/launch strategy.

    • And what you’re thinking for pricing and structure. 

    I can work backwards, dig, and weigh-in from there. 

    If you're further along than that, that works, too!

  • A: Yes, you can!


What Women Are Saying About Working With Me:

“It felt so great to get reconnected to my vision and my idea for my offer.

I just wanted to say thank you again for such a great call. It felt so great to get reconnected to my vision and my idea for my offer. Initially I was really excited about it and then I kind of lost that spark.

I think one of the things that was most helpful about our call was your reflections — something about them reminded me how powerful this offer really is.”

— Ashley Vaughn


"Just did the math and I booked over $15k in sales! The very first 5-figure month in my HD School.

And I only sent out 2 emails to my list and I didn't even share on social media.

And this all happened while I was traveling with my partner to San Francisco.

It was such a dream "launch" and I 1000% credit the success to the quality of the sales page.”

— Korynn Elliott


“Money is just coming in!”

“It’s been like the most amazing launch I’ve ever done. This is the launch I have done the least, I took all of the advice you gave, I believed that all of the work I had done was good enough.

Yesterday I opened the cart, the first email went out, I posted on Instagram, and then I was like… “What do I even do now? Money is just coming in! I looked at my partner and said, “let’s go to the beach.”

For the work that I did, this was amazing, because I hardly did anything. It was like two days worth of work.

This is the first time that I’m feeling so relaxed. Previously I had to make my life miserable during a launch so I felt like I deserved it. Like I had to suffer.

The mindset work is so amazing, and so important. I am so excited about this launch. This is the first time I’m actually really engaged and selling what it is for real, and feeling like what I’m giving is really good.”

— Fabi


“After working with Jillian, I feel really confident with pricing and launch strategy.

Before working with Jillian I struggled not knowing where to begin in terms of packaging up my services. Pricing, launch strategy, promotion and marketing were all a mystery!

After working with Jillian I feel really confident with pricing and launch strategy. I also have a ton of practical list building and promotional strategies at my fingertips that I will be using to help build my audience, and I'm so thankful!”

— Leigh-Anne Lui


“I had one of my highest grossing months for my business and my most successful vending event!”

— Shannon