Hey hey holistically-minded female entrepreneur:

Are you revamping your company or building an entirely new company?

is brand messaging not your strong point?

of all the things you could say, what should you say, and where?

What do you want people to feel when they come in contact with your company?

What do you want them to remember?

And what exactly do you want them to achieve?


As Seen In:


When you sign up for Positioned to Prosper: the 90-Day Messaging Lab, you’ll receive messaging clarity and 5 core marketing assets:

#1. Your Brand Messaging Guide (PDF) complete with a variety of brand statements, original and tailored-to-you phrases (worth repeating again and again), messaging do’s and don’ts, phrasing preferences, and more.

#2. Story Bank (Working Google Doc) we’ll talk through which stories are the best stories to tell (on podcasts, in interviews, in your web copy, for each of your offers, and more). You’ll be able to refer back to this doc to make content + email marketing 1000x easier.

#3 Best Bio (PDF) never worry about what bio to use on a podcast or feature again. Whatever bios you need (IG, Linked In, Podcast Feature) I’ll perfect them for you with connection + conversion in mind.

#4. Signature Podcast Talk (PDF): you could focus to create better results. What story is the BEST story for you to tell? What story do the listeners identify with?

#5 Content Pillar Breakdown (Working Google Doc): it’s not just about content pillars anymore. Reels have changed the game. Let me help you develop and organize your content topics + themes so you know what to say and where.


How It Works:

01. You fill out an in-depth intake form and book your kick-off call.

02. We join minds so I can continue to gather important data + info.

03. We continue the work (in Google Docs) and the conversation (on Slack).

04. I deliver your marketing assets.

05. We walk through my proven revision process to ensure every asset is finalized in your brand voice.

are you ready to have total messaging clarity?


What Women Are Saying:

“Wherever my business needs writing, Jillian is there delivering words that are compelling, strategic, and effective.”

“Jillian writes my web copy, sales copy, nurture sequence emails, sales inquiry scripts, and more. Her copywriting skill and marketing knowledge allow me to focus on my own zone of genius and my top life priorities. Wherever my business needs writing, Jillian is there delivering words that are compelling, strategic, and effective.”

— Cynthia Spenla


AI Free Guarantee

The only AI my team and I use is a transcription service (it allows us to capture every sentence our clients express for record keeping and research).

We do not use Chat GPT to generate copy for our clients.

At Jillian Anderson we use our minds, skills, wisdom, intuition and an in-depth intake process to connect with the feelings and words specific to each client and their deliverables.

Hi, I’m Jillian Anderson and before I transitioned into copywriting professionally I ran a 6-figure coaching business.

In 2017 my first group program launch enrolled over 20 students at a price point of $497 and generated just over $10,000 (with an email list of less than 700 readers). 

The next time I offered that program, I generated over $17,000 in just 48 hours and that’s when it really hit me: my highest-impact skill was copywriting. 🤯

Most of that 17k rolled into my inbox while I was in the back on an uber on the way to an event in NYC. It changed my life and my perspective on money, forever.

I’ve since helped:

✔️ A holistic health practitioner have her first 60k launch

✔️ A high performance sales page client book nearly 50k in sales

✔️ A growing number of female entrepreneurs experience their first five-figure launches and five-figure months

✔️ Over 250 clients from over 55 countries through a variety of services, offerings, and programs from low-tier to high-end.

And I’d so love to help you next.



  • A: After you apply, my team and I will send you a link to the payment option of your choice. Once that's handled, we're all set and ready to get started.

  • A: We care about our client's results. Because we care deeply, we rely on an application process.

  • A: I have developed a 3-part revision phase that ensures that every sentence we finalize not only sounds like you, but it also does the work it's meant to do.

  • A: I love this question! So I have it set at 90-days because I prefer to really drop in with you.

    If you'd like to have your deliverables faster we can tighten things up to 6-weeks and do pay-in-full or a 2-part payment plan instead.

    Just let me know you want to knock this out faster on your application and I'll take it from there.