[New Podcast Feature] Copy Check Up: Is Your Copy High Performance? A Convo on the CEO Mom Suite Podcast with Phylicia Pough

I was just featured on the CEO Mom Suite Podcast with Phylicia Pough.

When I first met Phylicia I immediately thought "this woman has different strengths than I do."

I don't know about you but I love to surround myself with women who have different strengths. 💪🏽

I love to work with them and I love to hear what they think.

On the podcast we talked about:

  • high performance copy (which some may also call high converting copy)

  • copywriting do's and don'ts

  • tips for DIY-ing sales copy

  • and my entrepreneurial and motherhood journey

➡️ Tune in, right here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-66-copy-check-up-is-your-copy-high-performance-w/id1665289105?i=1000654016094

After you listen, would you help me lift Phylicia and her show up by leaving her a thoughtful review on iTunes?

It helps a ton.

Thank you so much!

Big Love,


P.S. If you're launching (or relaunching) a program, course, service at this time I'd love to be your second set of eyes. 🤓🔍

What if there was a quick-win way to:

  • identify the areas of your sales page that are costing you sales and sign-ups

  • get my mind on your sales page before your next launch so you can roll into this thing with certainty and confidence

  • correct your mistakes as a preventative and success-inducing measure before you get out there and start CTA’ing your people

  • learn more about the best possible sales angle and messaging before you lean into the less-than-optimal angle publicly

➡️ Learn more and apply to book Your A+ Sales Page Analysis here: http://www.jillian-anderson.com/analyzemysalespage

The A+ Sales Page Analysis recently helped my client Brittany increase her sales by nearly 50%! 🎉

Here's what she had to say about working with me:

“I'm a little over a week into my enrollment using my new sales page that I created from your amazing and detailed analysis. And let me tell you, your analysis was a game changer!

Before working with you my highest enrollment ever was 16. With my new sales page, I have officially enrolled 33 new students this semester — the highest I have ever had! I am beyond thrilled! I can't thank you enough!”

Want my eye on your sales page before go-time?

➡️ Learn more and apply to book Your A+ Sales Page Analysis here: http://www.jillian-anderson.com/analyzemysalespage

I can't wait to serve you and your business goals in this way!