The Right Order is a Lie


For years I thought things like:

  • Once my son is bigger I’ll go bigger with my career.

  • Once I’m making X amount per month, I’ll be able to finally do my writing more consistently (especially my book projects).

  • Once my business is more automated, I’ll be able to put the writing first.


Obviously, the above thoughts weren’t conducive to actually doing the writing work I REALLY wanted to be doing.

The sneaky thoughts kept my writing and publishing goals ‘out of reach’ and ‘at arms length’ until one day I finally saw it all for what it was: self-imposed limitations, and FEAR. 👀

Obviously, it didn’t feel great to go to sleep at night knowing that I really wanted to do something, that I was fully capable of, but just wasn't doing.

It felt like a shame, really. I was NOT utilizing my energy and my gifts properly, and it showed on my face. It was like being given a gift but never OPENING it.

What I am describing is the opposite of fulfillment.

If you've struggled with your own creative desires, you're familiar with the feeling.

It was tricky to navigate my limitations on my own.

The truth was I didn't know I was honoring the voice of fear, I just thought I was doing things in 'the right order'.

Today’s message is short and sweet: The 'right' order is a lie.

  • What are your current excuses?

  • Why are you putting the work you really want to be doing off into the future (even as soon as tomorrow)?

  • Where are you telling yourself you’re not ready yet? Why?

  • What do you think you have to do before you can do more of what you really want to do?

Big Love,
