I'm Starting to Accept That I'm Going to Be *THAT* Mom (An Honest Examination of Startling Cultural Trends That Are Negatively Impacting Our Children)


I’ve long considered myself to be one of those pro-choice women who didn’t feel morally aligned with terminating one of her own. That aside, I believed women needed to be in charge of their own fertility.

Recently, however, I’ve been led to examine my beliefs with greater scrutiny, specifically those that were influenced by liberal feminist ideology, and this examination has been the result of being shocked by the swift societal changes that occurred as a result of the false flag that is CV-19.

A gender critical feminist I follow on Instagram recently made the statement, “abortion belongs with women but the industry is not without critique.”

This article is written not with the intention to debate pro-life vs. pro-choice, but rather, it is intended to shift the focus, much farther back, to a woman’s relationship with sex: what she was taught about sex, how she has sex, who she has sex with, and whether or not she has casual sex.

It’s evident to all who are willing to dig but just an inch below the surface of the mainstream narrative: the abortion industry is a massive branch of the medical-industrial complex a branch that no doubt requires customers.

The business-minded question then becomes: how are they generating customers for their products and services? And, do you think they’d want to increase or decrease the demand for their products and services?

Unlike your average marketing, this industry and it’s ‘leaders’ have the power to implement institutionalized marketing. What exactly is institutionalized marketing?

Well, it’s marketing that occurs on an institutionalized level: in the school systems, within outreach and social programs, from within the medical system, and so on.

From the inside out, through these institutions that we are taught to trust as reputable and honorable, our girls and young women are being taught that abortion is there for them, always an option, while simultaneously being taught that casual sex is normal and no big deal.

As a mother I find it especially daunting to raise a daughter in a culture that encourages young women to have casual sex in the name of ‘equality’...

  • As if female sexuality was the same as male sexuality. It's not.

  • As if conception, pregnancy, and children weren't a direct result of sex. They are.

  • As if conception could be separated from sex. It shouldn't be.

  • As if this casual sex was somehow 'progressive', a sign of the 'liberated' female, and not a wide scale and institutionalized marketing ploy by billionaire eugenicists to increase the number of unborn babies they can purchase from abortion clinics across the country.

  • As if this casual sex wasn’t deeply tied into the erosion of marriage, family, and ultimately — the erosion of a woman’s connection to her own body.

Have we collectively been so ignorant to think that the medical-industrial complex, would refrain from marketing directly to our innocent and precious children?

I'm starting to accept that I'm going to be THAT mom.

You know the one — the mom who is not with the times.

If general sweeping statements could work in such a complex world, maybe I could say that an indicator of good parenting is the dissent from what's popular, what's trendy, what's "normal" and what's mainstream.

I'm not talking about dissent for the sake of dissent, either. I'm talking about dissent based on dozens and dozens (maybe hundreds) of hours of research into the ways in which we have been lied to, indoctrinated, and socially programmed.

I received a DM last week on Instagram that asked something along the lines of: "I read your post about the normalization of convenience abortion and it’s roots in the sexual ‘liberation’ movement. I'm curious what context you think sex should be in? I know ‘purity culture’ can also be harmful to young woman..."

To which my response is...

Teaching our daughters facts matters far more than teaching them concepts.

The facts are the facts, outside of any religious thinking: sex can lead to conception, and any woman who is having sex could be raised to assume the responsibility that comes with that.

If she's not in a safe and stable relationship with a person she can see herself co-parenting with, and she conceives, she is complicating her life.

There is a middle ground where our daughters learn to understand their fertility (FAM) so they know when they are ovulating.

There is a middle ground where our daughters are taught to be responsible — where they are taught that sex is something you reserve.

A man who is not committed, who cannot provide, who cannot protect, who would make an immature and less than optimal father to a child — well, it's not intelligent to sleep with him.

In what ways does teaching this to our daughters impact young men?


In helping young women to accept responsibility for their actions, we are also guiding young men to be the best versions of themselves, to build character, to gain skills, and to be attractive potential partners.

Sounds like a better situation all around, no?

Encouraging our daughters to have high standards means that young men still need to prove themselves before sex is on the table. This is in high contrast to all the instant gratification available to young men today.

At the press of a button, a young man can:

  • hop on a dating app, meet a woman, get sex.

  • hop on porn hub, get sex.

  • hire a sex worker, get sex.

  • buy a sex doll, get sex, and even avoid the complexities of human relationship altogether, including the sting of rejection that comes with being an inadequate mate.


Some might say it's the men.

I'd say it's actually not the average man, because the deterioration of the average man’s life goes hand in hand with the deterioration of the female experience.

If it’s not the average man who benefits from the culture of instant sexual gratification, who is it?

I’d say it’s the billionaire transhumanist tech giants who’re pushing, in various ways, for the normalization of inhumanity, dis-embodiment, and reliance on the medical-industrial complex for all things related to reproduction — including, the controversial and inherently traumatic ‘healthcare service’ that involves terminating a child’s life.

In my work as an abdominal massage specialist, I have held my hands over hundreds of wombs over the years, wombs that hold within them, many stories.

I've also held my hands over my daughter's perfect womb.

If being THAT mom is what I have to do to help my daughter avoid unnecessary physical and psychological trauma, I'm willing to be her with every cell of my body, and I’m willing to accept any misunderstanding that comes along with that.

Big Love,


P.S. Are you currently unlearning from many of the ways society/culture/school programmed you to think as a woman, and maybe as a mother?

Are you curious about the ways that modern feminism may have caused you to think, feel, behave, and potentially reject parts of yourself?

Do you want to unpack, dig deeper into, and explore one or more of the following subjects together:

✔️ the positive and negative consequences of the women’s liberation movement — specifically those that have impacted the Mother role

✔️the unique challenges that ambitious/driven women have in relationships, in motherhood, and inside the family unit

✔️feminist ideologies and thought-programs that have influenced your self-worth, sense of purpose, and sense of mission in the world

✔️the necessity of having protection and provision as a woman, and how protection and provision allow a woman to flourish, thrive, and prosper

✔️the topic of oppression and how oppression is seeded and used to manipulate society

Then you don’t want to miss the details on getting access the the Feminism is Ironic Resource Library Where You’ll Get to Shed, Heal, and Recover from Thought Programs and Psyops That are Not Serving You!

This week ONLY you can take 50% off the already super low investment to get access to this eye-opening and energy-shifting content! Use the coupon code: endofsummersale at checkout to secure your savings!

Here is what women are saying:

➡️ “I’m about 2/3 of the way through Feminism is Ironic and I’M SO GRATEFUL for this conversation! Gah!! It’s what I’ve been feeling for a while but haven’t been able to put words to. I was 100% indoctrinated to dismiss motherhood as a waste of time and to view career and money accumulation as what made me worthy. There’s a lot of grief in me thinking about how many of my fertile years I’ve wasted chasing the life of a man.” — S

➡️ "You connected so many dots in such a concise, eye-opening way. From the bottom of my heart thank you for this work. I feel more appreciative of my role of wife and mother.” — R

➡️ ”I gotta tell you I am LOVING this Feminism is Ironic offering! I’m halfway through the recording. I’m resonating so much, it’s amazing. I should be sleeping but I can’t stop listening! Thank you for creating this content!” — B

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