005 | Sex + Motherhood with Lacey Broussard of the Multiorgasmic Mama

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From childbirth as an awakening experience, to releasing shame around female pleasure, to solid advice around navigating sex as a mama, this conversation with Lacey Broussard is juicy, insightful, and sure to help you feel NORMAL wherever you happen to be when it comes to sex, desire, and pleasure. 

In this episode we discussed:

  • Lacey’s personal journey of sexual and spiritual awakening + empowerment that began with the birth of her first child

  • How Lacey became a holistic sex coach for women

  • Common challenges with arousal and sexual desire after giving birth

  • Lacey’s top intimacy advice for women within the first year postpartum

  • What Lacey wishes she had known before entering motherhood

  • What helps women get from the place of sexual shut down to being able to access mulitorgasmic states.

  • The power of the Jade Egg for embodied sexual healing

  • How to shift your mindset around sex, pleasure, and orgasm

  • Tips for navigating judgements from family and within the dating world

Stay in Touch with Lacey 

Instagram: @laceymama

Facebook: www.facebook.com/laceybroussardrocks

Website: www.themultiorgasmicmama.com

The Mulitorgasmic Mama Podcast: https://www.themultiorgasmicmama.com/podcast

 About Lacey

Lacey is a holistic sex, love & relationship coach for soulful and successful women who want to ignite their desire and feel sexy agin! ​As a certified coach, Tantra, jade egg, and sexuality teacher, Lacey uses deep transformational tools and techniques based in modern coaching modalities, and ancient tantric wisdom and Taoist practices to help women like you reconnect with their sensual selves after becoming mama's, get confident in their sexuality, and experience deep intimacy & connection with their partner.
