010 | Uncensored, Ecstatic, and Pleasurable Childbirth with Erika Alsborn


If you’re an expecting woman, or a birth nerd, you’re going to freakin’ LOVE this episode with Sex and Birth Coach Erika Alsborn. The stories we hear in the mainstream (as children and then as young women), are stories that link birth to fear, panic, emergency, and pain. What if everything we were conditioned to believe birth would be, was wrong? What if birth could be orgasmic and deeply pleasurable — an ecstatic expression of raw energy in motion? What if more women could feel their way into this kind of sexual experience, by deepening their embodiment and connection with their hips, pelvis, vulva, vagina, cervix, throat, and womb? This is an episode you do not want to miss. 

In this episode, Jillian and Erika cover: 

  • Erika’s journey from nursing to holistic sexual coaching

  • The inseperable link between sex and birth

  • How to prepare for a pleasurable birth

  • The connection between an open throat and an open cervix

  • A not-to-miss synopsis of Erika’s unhindered and ecstatic birth story

Stay in Touch with Erika


Instagram: @erikaalsborn 

Erika’s Free Blissful Birth Practice:


About Erika

Erika is  a sex and birth coach, jade egg teacher and registered nurse.  The past decade she has immersed herself in exploring the body, mind and sexuality from many different angles and approaches – the academic, the medical, the spiritual and the holistic.

Her own sexual healing journey inspired her career shift from nursing to working with sexual health and after studying a Master’s Degree in Sexology She found holistic sexuality and sex coaching to be her jam and passion.

In 2019 Erika gave birth to her first child and through that experience realized how transformative childbirth is and can be and now is dedicated to shifting the current narrative around birth. Her  mission is to help women have positive, empowered and orgasmic birth experiences!

About Jillian

Jillian Anderson is a Copywriter + Copy Consultant for Motherhood Inspired Brands.

She's worked with over 250 clients from across 55 countries and now specializes in High Performance Sales Copy — the kind that sounds like you and sells way better.

Jillian, originally from NJ, now lives in South Carolina with her husband and children.

Stay in Touch with Jillian Anderson 

