009 | Six Figures is Peanuts and Other Things I Wish I Knew 


Six years ago, if someone would have told me that making six-figures in annual business revenue wouldn’t feel like a significant amount of money to me, I would have been so confused. After all, in the personal development and coaching world, everyone seems to be setting the first bar at six-figures. What if it needs to be set at least twice that from the very beginning, though?

In this episode I share with you a big picture look at why six-figures in business revenue is peanuts, and give you a different ‘minimum requirement’. This is a different flavor of an episode, and truthfully, I wanted to be the voice and the wisdom that I needed, when I first started transitioning my in-person healing work, to my online work. 

In this episode I cover:

  • Why six-figures is peanuts and where to set a standard instead

  • The importance of having a sales positive mindset

  • The difference between making sales in a feel-good way vs. doing the old paradigm sales thing (old paradigm sales tactics are still alive and being taught) 

  • and other important business lessons that would have accelerated my growth path!

In this episode I mention the new guidebook I created for you on this topic. You can download it instantly today at http://www.jillian-anderson.com/sixfiguresispeanuts 

About Jillian

Jillian Anderson is a Copywriter + Copy Consultant for Motherhood Inspired Brands.

She's worked with over 250 clients from across 55 countries and now specializes in High Performance Sales Copy — the kind that sounds like you and sells way better.

Jillian, originally from NJ, now lives in South Carolina with her husband and children.

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