3 Launch Emails I'd Grade a C (and Why)

Are your sales emails missing the mark?
Or are they compelling enough to generate max sales and sign-ups, on repeat?
If you want to see exactly what I think about 3 different sales emails that hit my inbox this week (and why l'd grade ‘em each a C) be sure to watch the video I’ve linked below.
But first: all three of these emails were sent by holistic women's health brands with the goal or enrolling new students.
These companies may be able to enroll a certain number of students with emails like this but can you imagine if their email copy was an A+?
Peak inside my head for a minute so you can step up your email game:
This content is totally free. 👆🏽
After watching you might realize you want me in your corner so you can avoid similar costly mistakes.
If that’s the case, The Copy Catalyst is open for enrollment and I’d love to serve you inside.
Learn more here: http://www.jillian-anderson.com/copycatalyst
Big Love,