Is Your Sales Page Leaving Sales Suspended Somewhere Between an Almost-Sold Reader and Your Business Checking Account? Or Is It Your #1 Launch Asset?

Jillian Anderson Launch Copywriter for Women's Health Professionals

Hey Beautiful —

I just finished recording something fun that I'm calling Copy Slam: The High-Impact Recorded Sales Page Critique for The Woman Who is Ready for Nearly Effortless Sales and I’m ready to tell you about it. ✍🏽⚡️

A well-written sales page IS your biggest launch and promotional asset. 📈

✔️ It’s the place your reader comes to consider buying your product, service, or offering.
✔️ It should be complete, well-written, and well thought out.
✔️ It can totally miss the mark and leave money/sales suspended somewhere in the ethers or it can powerfully communicate the value your product, service, or offering provides.
✔️ It can lead to filling your programs and crushing your impact/sales goals or it can lead to your ideal people clicking away and moving on with uncertainty even though what you offer is legitimately THE solution to their problem!
✔️ It can lead to you seeing a solid ROI on all the time, energy, and effort you put into your work or it can lead to burn-out, depletion, and a debilitating discouragement.

🧠 Imagine this:

1. Your reader lands on your sales page and feels immediately understood.
2. She decides she needs to work with you.
3. She gets to the part of the page where you share your pricing and boom: she leaps out of her fav chair to grab her card so she can take her seat. 💥

Your sales page is the place she signs-up or the place she doesn't.

One of my copywriting clients is always looking for micro content (you know IG posts and IG stories and the kind of material that has a short life-span) and I'm always saying the same thing: let's pull from the sales page first.

The sales page should provide your reader with everything she needs to know about your offering, and it should do so in a way that really addresses her deep inner world: what she wants to move toward, what she's moving away from, and where she's ready for growth.

Is Your Sales Page Your #1 Launch Asset?

Copy Slam: The High-Impact Recorded Sales Page Critique for the Woman Who is Ready to Have Nearly Effortless Sales is a diagnostic experience that will help you analyze your sales writing for mistakes that are costing you money.

I’d love to help you crush your next launch or enrollment period. You put out so much energy with your work in the world, and I know how important it is to be replenished by making those sales and filling those seats.

Learn more about Copy Slam, today:

Big Love,

Jillian Anderson Launch Copywriter for Women's Health Professionals