Is It Time to Upgrade Your Website Copy? Here's How to Know When to Go Pro and Hire a Copywriter.

I was looking over a potential client’s website in preparation for her project assessment call, and let me tell you the truth:

Despite her obvious success, her website copy presented like the chick who couldn’t be bothered to brush her hair before heading to the most important dinner date of her life. Her copy was knotted, knotty — not good.

It’s not her fault really. She’s not a copywriter, nor does she need to be. At least she’s out there doing her work, solving problems, and making sales. The reality is that some people never get out there and do what they want to do because they want everything perfectly positioned right out of the gate.

From my perspective that’s not reasonable because the nature of the game as an entrepreneur is learning on your feet, testing yourself, testing your ideas, and responding to real-time feedback from your readers and clients.

In the first 3-5 years in business you’ll undoubtedly learn:

  • which clients you love to work with

  • which clients you know to dodge immediately

  • what offerings are your bread and butter

  • what offerings drain you and don’t align with your lifestyle preferences

  • what sells well and what doesn’t

  • the hats you’re okay wearing in business and the hats you’d rather hurl into the fire before ever having to consider wearing them again

  • the value of high-quality sales and marketing material

Inevitably most entrepreneurs find themselves at a critical point where they’re reviewing everything and making some important upgrades — their web copy being one of them.

Back to this potential client and her knotty unkempt web copy…

In my opinion she’s at that point. She should hire someone to get the knots out of the copy she DIY’d way back when. All the signs that she’s ready are present:

  • She has developed a strong sense of clarity over the last few years

  • She knows exactly who she serves and how she serves them

  • She knows how to strategically and intelligently make investments that have a high ROI

  • She knows she can’t DIY everything forever

  • She’s aware that her website copy is leaving money suspended somewhere between an almost-sold reader and her business checking account

  • She comprehends that the current state of her copy is reflecting poorly on her brand/business

  • She knows that it pays off to lean harder into her own skills by hiring other motivated and skilled professionals to cover the areas that are truly not her territory

Investing in getting your copy on-point will increase your readership and sales, while helping you convey that high-level pro brand messaging you know you should lead with online.

Those are the goals. And those are my goals when I work with my clients.

If you’re ready to powerfully and clearly communicate the value you provide to the people you serve, click the link below to tell me which of your website pages need my eye.

Run Your Project By Me Here:

I typically work with service providers, professionals, and educators in the Alternative/Holistic Women’s Health arena, but occasionally I work with clients who fall outside of that industry.

I’d love to take a look at what it would be like to write high-quality copy for you.

Big Love,


“Jillian writes my web copy, sales copy, nurture sequence emails, sales inquiry scripts, and more. Her copywriting skill and marketing knowledge allow me to focus on my own zone of genius and my top life priorities. Wherever my business needs writing, Jillian is there delivering words that are compelling, strategic, and effective.”

— Cynthia Spenla